Marketing Madmen

Is ChatGPT & AI the Answer to Security Industry Marketing?

April 6, 2023

You likely have heard of ChatGPT, the new artificial intelligence tool taking the world (or at least the internet) by storm. ChatGPT is a variant of the GPT (Generative Pre-training Transformer) language model that was developed for generating human-like text in a conversational context. It is designed to generate natural language responses when given input from a user. Think of it like one of the chatbots you encounter on websites fused with Wikipedia. It is undeniably impressive and, admittedly, tons of fun.

With a few of the right prompts, the tool can generate poetry, build computer code, give practical (and sometimes flawed) advice, explain complex topics, and do students’ homework.

Naturally, it has people excited about its application in marketing. It certainly has piqued our interest, working in the security industry, which historically has been at the forefront of AI adoption. Because of this, we have invested a tremendous amount of time learning about its benefits, applications and drawbacks, and we are happy to share our findings.

So let’s get to the biggest question. Should security industry businesses use ChatGPT to assist with their marketing efforts? The answer is complex, but the short answer is that the tool isn’t the game changer that some people have made it out to be. And even ChatGPT, when we asked it, didn’t think it was a great idea:

"We have found that ChatGPT incorporates incorrect information so convincingly that you find yourself doubting your own knowledge. This is especially true for security industry-related content, as it has difficulty discerning between solutions and their actual capabilities"

We asked it, “Should we use only ChatGPT for all marketing strategies?”

ChatGPT: No, it’s not recommended to use only ChatGPT for all marketing strategies. While ChatGPT can be a powerful tool for certain marketing activities, such as customer support and lead generation, it may not be the most effective option for all marketing efforts. Creating a well-rounded marketing strategy typically involves a variety of tactics and skill sets, including creativity, design, data analysis, and interpersonal communication. While ChatGPT can assist with certain aspects of marketing, it cannot replace the human expertise necessary to execute successful campaigns.

Limitations of ChatGPT (and AI in General)

While today’s AI tools, such as ChatGPT, offer human-like responses and content, it is still not “human.” The tools lack emotional intelligence, critical thinking, discernment and other important human aspects needed for communication, which is the core of marketing.

Accuracy and relevancy are other issues. We have found that ChatGPT incorporates incorrect information so convincingly that you find yourself doubting your own knowledge. This is especially true for security industry-related content, as it has difficulty discerning between solutions and their actual capabilities and can only glean from information available on the internet from 2021 and before. This is problematic because, as we in the industry know, the security industry today is different from what it was just a year ago.

Finally, it is important to understand that AI is a singular tool, not a replacement for knowledge. For example, you can query per segment and generate a simple email outreach, but you still need to understand formats, funnels, brand positioning and a host of other things to ensure that email is a success.

Can ChatGPT help boost your business? Yes, but on a far more practical level. It can help in ideation and accomplishing simple tasks more quickly.

It is best for:

  • Brainstorming ideas
  • Creating outlines
  • Providing frameworks for content creation
  • Creating social media posts
  • Providing information
  • Creating general content
  • Writing surveys
  • Creating meta descriptions

And there may be an additional secret advantage. Adopting new technologies generally follows what is known as the Gartner Hype Cycle, where people rush to adopt during an inflated triggers stage when expectations are greater than the delivered reality. This is followed by an enlightenment slope and ends with the productivity stage, where the technology is adopted and used realistically.

So what does this mean for you as a security dealer or integrator? While others rely heavily on the technology and get less than expected results, you can leverage its best capabilities and pair them with your irreplaceable and invaluable expertise to make your human-driven marketing stand out even more — especially with your prospects, leads, and customers.

What’s the bottom line? Responsibly using ChatGPT means plenty of due diligence — and time and resources — just to ensure copy meets your standards. You likely will be better off writing your content or trusting a marketing agency to do so with the confidence you’ll be exceeding those standards from the start.